Click the on the Journal Publications & Book Chapters to get more information.
The bright and dark sides of employee mindfulness: Leadership style and employee well-being.
Mindfulness as a buffer of leaders’ self-rated behavioral responses to emotional exhaustion: A dual process model of self regulation.
Transformational leadership and employee psychological well-being: A review and directions for future research.
Using a pattern-oriented approach to study leaders: Implications for leader burnout and perceived role demands.
Customer incivility and employee well-being: Testing the moderating effects of meaning, perspective taking and transformational leadership.
Leadership styles, emotion regulation and burnout.
The processes through which transformational leadership affect employee psychological health.
Perceived organizational support, job-related emotion and employee health.
Types and targets of workplace aggression as a function of perpetrator sex.
Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: The mediating role of meaningful work.
Transformational leadership or the iron cage: Which predicts trust, commitment and team efficacy?
The role of line managers in
promoting and protecting employee well-being.
Mindful leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of leader behaviours.
Improving follower well-being with transformational leadership.
Transformational leadership and psychological well-being: Effects on followers and leaders.
Leading well: Transformational leadership and well-being.